Saturday, January 18, 2014

Multitasking and "The Desire Map"

I am a TERRIBLE multitasker.  My boyfriend, family and friends can all tell you that I am not someone who can sit at a table, hold a conversation with the person opposite of myself and text at the same time.  I lose focus easily if I am trying to accomplish on more then one thing at a time.

However, I am also someone who always has a million things going in my life at a given period.  I am naturally just the type of person who enjoys being busy and exploring different interests.  I don't like to be bored.  This creates a dilemma for myself.  How can I be involved in different things to fulfill my always hungry appetite for life while efficiently catering to the tasks I have in front of me?  

To answer that question; I've decided this year I wanted to create a goal for myself where I focus on one thing at a time.  To so many people this probably sounds silly.  Of course you can only focus on one thing at a time, that's not hard.  For me it is.  So while this goal does not mean I will only have one thing going on in my life at a time, it does mean that while I'm working on a task I will be present and not attending to something else simultaneously. 

This goal includes books I am reading.  At any given time I have about eight or nine books next to my bed, mostly yoga, self-help and crime novels.  In a given evening I will usually pick up three of these books.  My goal for this area of my life is to only read one book within one genre at a time, as well as sticking to one book a night.  
The inside of my bag packed for a two-hour
break this afternoon between yoga sessions.
Self-induced ADD much?
In the spirit of my search to uncover my dreams I have been paying attention to blogs concerned with job direction, spirituality and female-empowerment.  Within these blogs I recently started seeing the name Danielle LaPorte and I looked her up.  She seems like an awesome chick.  From what I've gathered she's a no-nonsense, empowerment warrior looking to help people find the direction of their dreams. referred to her work as "Self-help meets marketing ninja". (Forbes,

She created a book called "The Desire Map" and of course, I immediately ordered it on Amazon without even looking at what it "mapped" out.  I figured I "desire" to find my calling and I need a "map" to get me to there.  Boom. Done and Done.

Luckily, after making my impulse purchase, I looked further and the tagline on the cover read: "A Guide to Creating Goals with Soul".  As I've expressed earlier in this blog I am searching for ways to create goals within my life that will aid me in creating a career that I love.  

Underneath the tagline is two sentences that read: "Knowing how you want to feel is the most potent clarity you can have.  Generating those feelings is the most powerful thing you can do with your life." (Danielle LaPorte, "The Desire Map")

Genius.  Looking to create a life based on feelings rather then ideas.  I think.  SO to start off this resolution of focusing on one thing at a time - I am starting this book.  While I and go through this book I am putting down ALL other books (at least in the self-help, spiritual categories), and I will report back on my findings! 

To learn more about Danielle LaPorte and "The Desire Map" click here: Danielle LaPorte

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